“According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, we spend 8.8 hours per day working. More than sleeping (7.8 hours). More than leisure and sports (2.6 hours). Even more than caring for others (1.2 hours).” – Laszlo Bock
Throughout your time at Rice, we are here to help you get to know yourself, understand the kind of work that will be most satisfying for you, and identify a career that matches your interests and values.
The Center for Career Development is here to help you take the necessary steps to successfully navigate your internship, job, and/or academic program search by helping you in:
- Identifying and exploring ways to begin your search
- Preparing your application materials
- Strengthening your interview
- Making the most of your internship/job.
Check out this hiring timeline, a guideline for when industries begin recruiting and hiring new employees. Industries operate on different timelines. Use this resource to position yourself for success. If your industry is not on this list, don't worry. It just means they hire as needed.

How to Prepare
1. Explore
CCD tools and resources that will be essential in your job search:
- Complete your profile and explore 12twenty
- 12twenty is Rice’s online career management system. You can:
- Make appointments with the CCD's Career Advisors
- Apply to Jobs and Internships
- Use Research Tools to learn about Rice-specific salaries, offer timing, and job sources.
- Register for CCD and employer events
- Access great resources including FOCUS II, Optimal Resume, What Can I Do With This Major, Vault, Glassdoor, and more!
- Login to 12twenty with your Net ID and Password.
- 12twenty is Rice’s online career management system. You can:
- Review Career Action Timelines
- A career action timeline is a roadmap to help you set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) that you can achieve this academic year.
- These timelines are available for all students and classifications, breaking down some things you should ideally be doing throughout the academic year and they are easily accessible via our website. These can be useful for all students including those looking for a job or graduate program upon graduation.
- Tip: Use the Offer Timeline Research Tool in 12twenty to access filterable, Rice-specific hiring timelines. Know when to be ready to recruit!
- Careers and industries of interest.
- Complete Self and Career assessments
- Explore and identify Career Clusters of interest
- Schedule a Major/Career Exploration appointment with a career counselor
- Participate in an Owl Edge Externship
- Consistently review Industry & Profession Overviews & Guides.
- Search other Jobs & Internships databases for opportunities
- Career articles and resources (including blogs and videos).
2. Network with people in fields of interest
- Employers
- Attend Information Sessions
- Every year, the CCD hosts many employer information sessions on campus, where employers make presentations on topics including job opportunities and company overviews. They typically also provide an opportunity to network with company representatives.
- Most information sessions are open to all students and provide valuable insight on what it would be like to work for that specific employer or industry. These sessions are often hosted by recent grads and alumni who are working in your field of interest who provide tips and strategies on how to become a stronger candidate and answer any questions you may have.
- RSVP by visiting the Events tab on 12twenty. Be sure to check back often as employers schedule information sessions throughout the semester.
- Participate in On-Campus Interviews
- Attend Career Expos in both Fall and Spring Semesters
- Attend Information Sessions
- Connect with Alumni
- Connect with Peers
3. Search for internships and jobs
- Opportunities on 12twenty
- Vault - Career intelligence resource on 12twenty that includes a comprehensive internship database and job search feature
- GoinGlobal - International job search resource on 12twenty
- Career Clusters - Find additional industry specific resources within career clusters
- LinkedIn - World's largest professional social networking site that acts as a first-stop go-to for recruiters. Search here for currently available internships and jobs in all industries.
4. Prepare for applications
- Develop your professional resume
- A professional resume is a highlights reel tailored to a specific position of the most important and relevant skills and abilities you have acquired throughout your past experiences. Unlike the high school resume, it is not a list of everything you have ever done. This document is no longer than one page long, no smaller than 10pt font, well organized, concise, and accomplishment-focused. The resume represents a story of what you can do, how you can fit into the organization, and where you can contribute to the organizational goals.
- OptimalResume allows you to develop and manage customized, high-impact resumes, cover letters, and professional correspondences with extensive samples, resume builder, cover letter builder, and interview preparation program. Access this tool and more via the 12twenty resource library.
- Visit Guides and Presentation to review resume guides created by the CCD just for you.
- Practice interviewing
- Explore our Behavioral Interview Reference Guide
- Practice your interviewing skills on Optimal Resume
- Make the most of your internship/job/research opportunity
- Guidelines sheet in Career Resources
- Worksheet in Career Resources
Tips & Tricks
- Start your career exploration and development early
- Network, network, network. Use LinkedIn and Sallyportal.
- Use 12twenty and other online tools.
- Gain experience (ideally prior to senior year) to become a stronger candidate – participate in an externship, internship, research position, on-campus job, student activities, leadership, etc.
- Review the Job & Internship Search Guide
- Prepare your professional documents (ex. Resume, Cover Letter, Personal Statement)
- Practice interviewing
- Set realistic daily or weekly goals
- Meet with a PCA or career counselor
- When in doubt – apply! You don’t need to meet all the criteria mentioned in the job description to qualify for a position
- Customize your resume and cover letter for every application
- Be patient and don’t give up – a typical job search can take 3-6 months and the interview process takes on average 2-6 weeks
- Job and internship searching can become a full-time job – make the time to focus on it and don’t forget that the CCD can help streamline the process for you
- Do not spend too much time applying online - over 70% of jobs in the US get acquired through networking
- Employers do not always reply to all applicants – do not be discouraged
- Review the CCD hiring timelines
- The CCD builds relationships with many of the organizations who recruit on-campus, don’t be afraid to stop by and ask us specific questions
- Take advantage of opportunities on-campus
CCD Student Policies
Rice University’s Center for Career Development (CCD) strives to achieve our mission to educate, connect, and empower students to find and make their place in this world. Our office works towards this mission in a variety of ways, including facilitating relationships between employers and students in the recruiting process.
Similar to the guidelines the CCD expects employers to abide by, the CCD also has policies for students to follow to create the best recruiting experience possible. By utilizing CCD services, you are agreeing to abide by these policies. Our office is here to support you in a variety of ways, and if you have questions, concerns, or want to learn more about our office, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.
Counseling Appointments
Appointments are often in high demand and can often have waiting periods during our peak season. Please inform either your counselor via email as soon as possible if you are unable to make your appointment to free up availability for other students.
If you are running late for your appointment, your appointment will be reserved until the 15-minute mark. After this point, your appointment will be considered cancelled. Please also note that appointments cannot be lengthened if a student is running late. Only the remaining time of the appointment can be used to speak with a counselor.
Recruiting Events
Employers plan their recruiting events around how many students have RSVP’d to their events. If you have RSVP’d to an event on 12twenty, we ask that you attend. You can change your reservation status up to 24 hours before the session takes place on 12twenty.
Student behavior during employer recruiting events is a reflection of the Rice community as a whole. We ask that you dress, behave, and actively engage appropriately with employers at events you attend.
Interview Guidelines
You must attend all interview time slots you sign up for. You must reschedule your interview at minimum 24 hours before your designated interview either through 12twenty or with the individual employer. If you are interviewing on a Monday, you must make arrangements to reschedule by the Friday prior. In the event you are ill or have an emergency, please reach out to the CCD at ccd@rice.edu as soon as possible to alert our office so we can then let the interviewer know. Failing to attend an interview will result in a suspension from 12twenty services until you have written an apology letter to the recruiter and copied the CCD on the message, which must be sent within 48 hours of the interview.
Once you have accepted a job offer, you must then remove your application from all other active positions and interview schedules. Please communicate with the CCD if you require any assistance in removing your applications.
The CCD's offer policy for students and employers can be found here.
Reneging Offers
If you are facing an exploding offer or accelerated timeline in the recruiting process, please reach out to our office for assistance. We are always interested to know if employers are placing undue pressure on students, and our office has a team of trained counselors who can help you manage the decision making around this process.
Our office highly discourages students from reneging on any job offer. If you are facing a decision regarding reneging on a job offer, please reach out to our office to discuss this matter with a counselor. Reneging on any job offer will result in a suspension of 12twenty privileges and require an in-person meeting with the CCD Executive Director.