
Career Clusters

Education, Non-Profit & Social Enterprise

This cluster includes teaching jobs, as well as those at non-profit and community organizations. Non-profits frequently focus on a specific population, such as children or the elderly, or a particular cause, such as human rights or poverty. Find jobs and internships in this cluster on 12twenty!

Recruiting Timelines, Methods and Resources

Recruiting timelines within this cluster vary significantly depending on the type of position you are seeking and the size of the organization. To ensure you do not miss out on any opportunities to connect with an employer, check 12twenty for job postings and networking events. Develop a list of target organizations and routinely visit their websites for job postings and other opportunities.

The requirements and recruiting timelines for entry-level teaching opportunities vary by state and type of institution. If you are interested in teaching in a public school in a particular state or district, make sure you research the requirements and recruiting timelines. Many public schools will require teachers to have master's degrees or special certifications, while charter schools or private schools might have different requirements. If you are interested in teaching in the state of Texas, consider the Texas Teaching Certification for Rice Undergraduates. Alternative certification programs that allow you to earn your teaching certificate while teaching in a low-income, underperforming school, include NYC Teaching Fellows, Match Corps, Relay GSE, Teach for America, and YES Prep. Many of these organizations recruit on campus, so in addition to visiting their websites, check 12twenty for on-campus events.

Non-profit organizations typically hire “just in time,” so it is not uncommon for an organization to post a position towards the end of the school year. However, larger organizations that have formally developed internship programs will have earlier deadlines, so make sure to check their websites and 12twenty for the most up-to-date information. Idealist also contains listings of non-profit jobs, internships and volunteer opportunities across the world. Internships at nonprofit organizations are typically unpaid. Since non-profit organizations tend to be mission-driven, you will need to convey passion for the organization in addition to the basic skills needed to perform the job. Networking is a critical component in successfully securing a job or internship at a non-profit organization. Connect regularly with classmates, professors, alumni and personal contacts and attend related on-campus events.


Jobs and Internships from Handshake